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Tips for Buying Auto Insurance in Rhode Island

Proof of Rhode Island automobile insurance became mandatory in 1993. The minimum state required limit for bodily injury is $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident and property damage limit is $25,000. In order to obtain a two-year registration for your vehicle, in addition to being equipped with the $30 registration fee, you must provide proof that your car is insured for at least the minimum limits required by the state. Read also: Tips on How to Select Automotive Insurance.

Rhode Island Car Insurance Guide

If you’re new to Rhode Island, and are thinking of getting a car, review the Rhode Island Department of Motor Vehicle’s free driver’s manual. The driver’s manual is also available in Spanish. Becoming familiar with Rhode Island automobile codes and laws will help you when purchasing insurance.

Since car insurance is mandatory, it makes sense for you to place yourself in a position to get the best auto insurance rate as possible.

Here are a few tips to think about when soliciting Rhode Island auto insurance quotes:

  • Type of Vehicle: Insurance companies prefer to insure safe vehicles. Cars with features such as anti-lock brakes, automatic seat belts, daytime running lights, appear to be more favorable than those without those features. Additionally, they prefer the run of the mill sedan to the sporty red two seater with enough horse power to win the Indianapolis 500. Read also: How to Compare Auto Insurance Quotes.

  • Check Your Credit: Insurance companies check your credit report and use it as one of the factors when determining your premium. According to insurance company statistics, there is a direct relationship with credit and claims. A policyholder with many delinquencies, high debt to income ratio and poor credit history has been found to file more insurance claims than one who pays bills on time and has a favorable credit history. Keep an eye on your credit. Request a free copy annually from AnnualCreditReport.com.

  • Speak to Your Agent: In today’s society so much is done on line, but there’s something to be said about talking to an agent. Call your Rhode Island auto insurance agent and have a discussion. Ask about discounts that may be applicable in your situation. If you are a student with good grades, let the agent know. Did you know that teens with grades of B or better would be eligible for a premium discount?

  • Safe Driver Education: You may be a seasoned driver, but taking a safety class can be a benefit. It will not only refresh your driving skills, but it will make you eligible to receive a premium discount. Talk to your agent before you take the class, however. No sense in sitting through a class that your insurance company does not approve as a safe driver class.
